Photo receives Highly Commended Award in SISLP Sporting Moments Competition

My pic of Jamie Barrow doing what he does best just received ‘Highly Commended’ in the SISLP Sporting Moments Competition. The Daily Mail article showing it and the other winners here. A little about the photo: Camera – Nikon D7000Lens – 18-105mm f/3.5Shutter Speed – … Continue readingPhoto receives Highly Commended Award in SISLP Sporting Moments Competition

How to make money from your photography – Published in N-Photo Magazine, July 2013

N-Photo asked me to write a short piece on how I make money from my outdoor sports photography and here is the feature in their July issue: The feature also included tips from 9 other photographers: Adrian Carr – Wedding Photography Ed Collacott – Selling … Continue readingHow to make money from your photography – Published in N-Photo Magazine, July 2013