Here’s a video I made of night sky time-lapse using my Nikon D7000 and Final Cut Pro X.
Here’s how I created this shot:
1. Put the camera in manual mode
2. Set the focus to manual on the lens (Nikkor 18-105mm)
3. Set white balance to Auto
4. Turned off image preview to avoid any background light
5. Set up the camera on a tripod and framed the shot
6. Manually set the focus so that the stars looked nice and sharp
7. Set my aperture to f/3.5, shutter speed to 30 seconds and ISO to 1250
8. Set interval timer shooting in the menu to 1 minute interval, 120 shots (2 hours duration)
9. Imported the 120 shots into Final Cut Pro X and turned them into one compound clip
10. Increased the speed of the clip so the total duration was 10 seconds
10. Increased the speed of the clip so the total duration was 10 seconds