14 Free iOS Apps for Photographers 2013

In no particular order, here are my 14 most commonly used free iOS apps for anything related to photography:
Todoist – used for organisation, shot lists, projects and ideas
This is a new one I’ve only recently come across when looking for an app that would help me create shot lists for video or photo shoots. It’s a really sleek ‘to do list’ app that synchronises across all your devices. You can sign up with your Google account (or just set up a brand new account) and it lets you sort your to do list into Projects with their own task lists and deadlines.
Notes – used for note keeping, lists, ideas, random scribblings
The standard iOS Notes app is my go to app for quickly jotting down anything I need, from ideas to a list of what to pack for my next trip. With Notes turned on in the iCloud settings, I know that all my notes will be automatically saved and synchronised across all my devices.
WhatsApp – used alongside messaging and emails, great for sending pics
This messaging app has gone from strength to strength that so many people use it internationally now it’s just as important as SMS and emails to stay in touch with clients and colleagues. I’ve found it’s also much quicker for sending photos than SMS or email. The only downside is it doesn’t work if I can’t use mobile data abroad.
Instagram – used for fun and inspiration

Quick and fun way of uploading a mobile pic and having it pushed straight to my Facebook and Twitter accounts. I also follow some photographers, athletes and companies on there that upload awesome images.
500pxused for my website and inspiration

I use 500px for my website portfolio so the app allows me to show off my best images. However, it’s also an absolutely brilliant place to see other people’s images, sorted by category, popularity or editors’ choice. The iPad version of the app is spectacular and I find myself on there for hours at a time.

Photoshop Express – used for mobile editing

Probably the most powerful free photo editing app out there, and it should be, coming from Adobe.

iTalk – used for recording interviews and voice memos

Outstanding app for recording audio. I’m always amazed by the quality of the iPhone’s microphone and this is the best app I’ve found for recording and organising audio.

Met Office – used for weather forecasts

Easily the best weather app for the UK but unfortunately they haven’t got an international version! Sort it out Met Office!
Google Maps – used for directions and traffic info

The best and longest serving maps app with the extremely useful and surprisingly accurate feature of live traffic info.

Zite – used for tech and photography news
Wonderful little app for all your latest news in technology, photography, gadgets, design… the list goes on. Really easy to navigate and also gives you the option to choose a ‘Favourites’ list so you only see the topics you want to see.

Twitter – used for news, photo competitions and entertainment

Quite an obvious choice but really crucial for staying up to date with industry news and also a very handy way of finding the latest photography competitions.

Camera – I’m sure you can guess

This is actually the only app I use for taking photos with my phone. However, I never use the camera on my iPad for fear of looking like a bit of a muppet.

PicJointer – used for photo stitching

Very useful app for stitching multiple images together.

Blogger – save the best till last

I rarely use this app to actually write blogs but whenever I have an idea for a future article, I’ll get a draft saved on the app to type up on my laptop later. Also really handy for quickly adding mobile pics to my blogs.

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